Signature Handwoven


Inspired by the original Swans Island Blankets, each piece is handcrafted exclusively by the Swans Island weavers in Northport, Maine, using antique looms with our own hand-dyed single-source wools. Signature Handwoven pieces bear the Swans Island weavers mark—our symbol of authenticity.

Handwoven Blankets

Grace Winter Blankets


Handwoven Blankets

Solid Winter Blankets


Handwoven Blankets

Checked Winter Blankets


Handwoven Blankets

Firefly Blankets


Handwoven Blankets

Grace Blankets


All-Natural Collection

Solstice Blankets


Handwoven Blankets

Island Blankets


Handwoven Blankets

Heritage Blankets


Handwoven Throws

Whitecaps Throws


Signature Handwoven

Winterport Throws


All-Natural Collection

Solstice Throws


Handwoven Throws

Heritage Throws


Handwoven Throws

Maine Coast Throws


Handwoven Throws

Katahdin Throws


Handwoven Throws

Island Throws


Blankets +

Grace Throws
